By Our Reporters
Joan Machora Kitto is one of the warrior Ministers Kyabazinga Gabula has in his cabinet. She is the Minister Foreign Affairs and in that very capacity she oversees the Busoga Diaspora community thousands of whose members have keenly been following the Persis Namuganza saga online. In this interview with interview Kitto, who has been coordinating many anti-Namuganza operations on the ground in Busoga, tells Mulengera news website that Namuganza has no moral authority to lament about Speaker Rebecca Kadaga’s Kamuli district being jigger-infested because jiggers and destitution are a bigger problem in Bukoono County which she represents than in any other part of Busoga.

Kitto says that, by publicly attacking the Kyabazinga and Speaker Kadaga (she calls her mama Busoga) while inciting violence against them, Namuganza has proved “she doesn’t deserve even being called Honorable or a lady because a Musoga woman respects elders and big people.” To her people (the Diaspora), Kitto says “we have had this menace called Namuganza trying to finish off our King but be calm it will all be fine; your King is okay and well but keenly following the events.” She adds; “This woman is too lowly to deserve your attention. Just do your work because this is a lowly rural woman trying to elevate herself to big people.”

QN: But some say her views are widely supported by the Busoga grassroot. How can that be a small woman?
ANS: She doesn’t have support on the ground. She is just inflating herself. You know she has this exaggerated sense of self-importance. Out of the 6m Busoga, about 100 genuinely support her crusade to character assassinate our leaders. If she has support how come on Saturday as she came to visit Zibondo, she came unceremoniously? It was a clandestine visit because the ordinary people were ready to beat her up and pump some sense in her. There is no single place in Busoga she can visit now without doing so in a very clandestine way?

QN; But why would that happen to an elected leader and moreover a minister?
ANS; The Basoga are very very bitter and can’t tolerate anybody who attacks their beloved King. That’s what she did openly inciting violence against the King and she has stupidly refused to apologize. How do you incite people of Busoga to stone our King? She is really a problem woman with a very big character problem because you can simply not be the only one who is right all the time. She quarreled with Aidah Nantaba and we thought there was something genuine. She isn’t on good terms with her senior Minister Betty Amongin. How can everybody else be wrong? This time round she has dug her own political grave and the earlier she apologizes the better because this is a war she can’t win. It will only produce one loser and that’s herself and no one else. All the leaders in Busoga are unanimous in condemning her.
QN; Does that include the Bishop of Bugembe?
ANS; Ha my friend let’s not go there because that Bishop matter is more complicated than you think. Let’s not go there. We can discuss that one another day.

QN; As fellow female leaders serving the Kingdom, have you tried to reach out extending an Olive branch? Maybe she has been misunderstood? Isn’t it a weakness that you haven’t made efforts to speak to her as opposed to preparing for war?
ANS; Dialoguing with that thing (says Namuganza isn’t fit to be called a lady) is simply impossible. Even her colleagues, her peers in Busoga Parliamentary Caucus tried to sit her down to resolve the problem but you saw how she shunned them. She is very contemptuous of everyone yet that was the best platform for her to make herself understood. Who else do you think she can listen to?

QN; Have you heard rumors that she has the backing of the President?
ANS; Those aren’t jut rumors. She has been saying it herself but I will tell you one thing. That’s a gimmick by her to create a wedge between my King, the Speaker and the President. But she isn’t smart because how do you recklessly involve the President in such things? I always knew she isn’t very good but she has turned out actually to be worse than I thought. By the way she isn’t a royal child in that family. She is an illegitimate child that’s why she didn’t introduce her husband there. We challenge her to accept a DNA test for her paternity to be resolved once and for all.

QN; She has advised critics like yourself to expend your energy tackling Busoga’s problems which she says are there for everybody to see. Do you agree with her charge that the Speaker Kadaga’s Kamuli district hasn’t benefited from her enough?
ANS; I challenge you to visit Kamuli yourself and see the difference with Bukoono which she represents. In fact they have more jiggers there, poverty and destitute people than anywhere else in Busoga. What’s Bukoono a model for apart from poverty and backwardness? She claims to be very powerful in the government but I challenge her to show us one area in which Bukoono has been transformed because of the power she claims to wield in President Museveni’s government. She should leave Maama Kadaga who has done a lot for Busoga unlike her who is there just to fight everyone.
QN; I have heard this in one of numerous audios bashing her. Is it true that Honorable Namuganza used to send sexually very seductive private messages to the King?
ANS; Haha…that one no. Not now. Let’s no go there today. Those are her personal problems but let her stop attacking my King and Mama Kadaga. That’s my concern and as regards those issues of not being academically qualified, the courts of law are there. They will deal with her regarding why she uses other people’s documents as it has been reported in today Daily Monitor.
QN; As Diaspora Minister how do you show your relevance?
ANS; We started our projects two years ago and a lot has been accomplished already. Working with my Diaspora community we have rolled out very impactful programs in education, health and for the elderly. On 27th December last year we had the Busoga Diaspora day in Jinja where we met and reflected on our achievements and planned to tackle the challenges. Even this year, a similar event will be held on 28th December. All in all as Busoga we have achieved a lot under the current Kyabazinga to allow anyone to mess up with our cultural institution. That’s why everyone is very angry at that thing called Namuganza. All I tell the Busoga Diaspora is that let’s remain focussed working towards actualizing our earlier commitments and let this thing called Namuganza not divert us from our goal which is the comprehensive transformation of Busoga. For comments, call/text/whatsApp us on 0703164755!