By Our Reporters
IGG Irene Mulyagonja is out in full swing to put right whatever might have gone wrong at Soroti University in the restful Eastern Ugandan town of Soroti. Set to open anytime soon, SU is the only government public University in Teso sub region and it’s of great political significance to President Museveni who hopes to use it to silence his political opponents who have been taunting him for doing nothing for Teso. Many used to argue that Museveni was out to politically punish the Itesos for their traditional hostility to him and strong links to Milton Obote’s UPC. But with the SU project, in which billions of tax payers’ money has been sunk, Museveni will be having a lot to show. However, all hasn’t been well as intrigue has seen members of the top management resort to mudslinging and falsely accusing each other to the IGG. Firstly there were reports that the VC Prof Ikoja Robert was sympathetic to the guys who were trying to cling on University land demanding billions in compensation before they can vacate. Someone took the matter to the IGG calling for investigations.
As the IGG was investigating, another allegation came up this time against the Legal Jimmy Dany Dan Agolei who was among other things accused of not being adequately qualified for the job and for having a bad track record in the places where he previously worked. This too went to the IGG and a big file was opened against the Legal officer. Feeling he was inadequately qualified, the University top management resorted to using external lawyers often bypassing him. This annoyed some and still a petition went to the IGG calling on her to investigate top management.
Eventually the disgraced Academic Registrar James Gregory Okello (who was recently charged for theft of University goats) also joined the fray petitioning the IGG that the powerful University Secretary Ruth Achimo was unfit for allegedly employing relatives into the University service. The IGG acted swiftly and directed Governing Council Chairman FX Lubanga to interdict her which he did on Monday.
This, however, turned out to be irregular and procedurally improper as she was condemned unheard and thereby violating her right to a fair hearing. The High Court has since issued an order mandating her to remain in office pending determination of the main suit in which she challenges her interdiction as procedurally unfair. Her Tuesday victory via the interim order negating her interdiction entitles Ruth Achimo to some damages against both the IGG and the University.