By Mulengera Reporters
Through his lawyers Rwakafuzi & Co Advocates, former VP Gilbert Bukenya has hillariously defended himself against allegations of infidelity contained in his estranged wife Margaret Musoke’s divorce petition.
Bukenya, who Margaret accuses of cheating on her by sleeping with multiple city women including musicians and Lwengo Woman MP Cissy Namujju, says they sat in their Ntinda house in 2003 with Margaret and agreed to separate.
He says since that time, they have lived apart and he doesn’t expect Margaret to be surprised or offended that he has been sexually active and sleeping with them because he isn’t a priest who is spiritually prohibited from sex activity.
In his reply to the petition, that was filed for Margaret by Ruth Sebatindira’s Ligomarc Advocates, Bukenya actually grants Margaret’s wish to divorce but disputes her claim seeking 50 percent of his matrimonial property.
Bukenya says apart from two posh residential houses he already surrendered to Margaret during the 2003 meeting, he isn’t prepared to forfeit any other property or part of his estate. He says the other properties like the house in Garuga and Katomi Hotel are his alone and Margaret didn’t contribute anything.
He discloses a Muzungu friend called Bill Betrand with whom he says he has been working accumulating properties for 40 years. He says in most of his properties, Bill actually has 60 percent, leaving the ex-VP with just 40 percent.
Bukenya also refers to Plot 7 Block 233 in Nagulu Lwantama Kakiri on which is his country home and farm saying this was his property long before even Margaret, his wife for 40 years, came into the picture.
As for the commercial building in Kakiri town which housed his Busiro fm radio, a hospital and PostBank Uganda, Bukenya says that was accumulated out of his sweatful savings and joint efforts with Stella Njuba. Now that she is dead, Bukenya says proceeds from rental fees should be ring-fenced to look after the children he produced with her.
He reminds Margaret that confining himself to celibacy and abstaining for the rest of his life was neverver one of the terms they discussed and agreed upon in 2003 when they held a meeting and agreed to live in separate homes.
The former VP vows to go down fighting to defend his right to sleep with women and babes he likes because it’s his right to participate in consensual sex activity with whoever he chooses and Margaret can’t use Court to curtail his enjoyment of sex rights. (For comments, call, text or whatsapp us on 0703164755).