By Mulengera Reporters
President Museveni, while speaking at the budget reading ceremony Thursday evening, deployed humor to liven up the mood in a number of ways. This most likely was deliberate to keep the audience awake after listening to Finance Minister Matia Kasaija’s unusually shortened presentation.
In a jocular way, Museveni delivered his message on a number of things including defending ex-Premier Apollo Nsibambi’s choice to be succeeded by one of his daughters “rather than one of the lousy nephews simply because he is a male.” He said Africa’s preoccupation should be how to create more wealth in the communities rather than wasting time hiding behind outdated traditions to justify fighting over a dead person’s wealth.
Museveni referred to lawyer Peter Mulira’s newspaper article disputing Nsibambi’s choice of heir. Referring to his own family, Museveni said some of these aren’t only unfair cultural practices but also very counterproductive-and must be departed from. He said his views, contemptuous of negative cultural beliefs, are well known and that on 2nd August 1993 he addressed the Buganda Lukiiko and stated his views. He got a standing ovation from especially female legislators, ministers and other guests.
In reference to his 24 years of activism in post-Independence Uganda, Museveni also called himself expert of opposition politics and said being in opposition can’t be an excuse for leaders not to mobilize their people into cash economy and wealth creation. He said himself was involved in sustained advocacy calling on his Banyankole co-ethnics to adopt modern cattle keeping methods since his days as a student at Mbarara High School.
Saying one doesn’t need even money to spearhead transformation and mindset shift, Museveni referred to his nephew Stephen Kangwagye, an MP from Bukanga in Isingiro, saying their family had fled to Tanzania where they practiced nomadism. He added his relentless efforts got them back to Uganda “and there he is now a responsible person serving as an MP.” At some point, Museveni referred to Kangwagye as “that Tanzanian” causing prolonged laughter.
Some opposition ‘hecklers’ challenged him saying it was easier to oppose government in the pre-1986 Uganda than today because there was no teargas. Museveni grabbed the opportunity to throw the joke back at them by instantly saying “There was death. Things were definite and final.” He said the UPCs in government then were very ruthless and believed in more lethal methods than teargas.
He maintained one doesn’t need money to offer reasonable leadership to their people because he personally started leading very effectively as a mere student who didn’t have any money.
As the opposition MPs ceaselessly clapped, Museveni highlighted the achievements of Idi Amin including establishing Hima Cement and completing Nile Mansions, The Conference Center where he was speaking from, Uganda House and Pastel Building which for long housed NRM offices. Nevertheless, he said, we fought him because he was an obstacle and he offered something way below the standards of African leadership synonymous with patriotism and democracy. He likened Amin to opposition leaders today who believe in burning the city and petrol stations to show political displeasure. He likened them to Kayira (called him ideologically & strategically bankrupt) who tried to blow up Nile Mansions using RPGs and fuel tanks to protest Prof Yusuf Lule’s removal.
On the contrary, he said, the resistance movement he led was responsible and always despised violence including assassinating those he was fighting against. He said many times, members of his rebel movements plotted blowing up and assassinating Oyite Ojok, Milton Obote, Idi Amin, Kayira and Okello Lutwa but he always restrained them. He said leadership requires responsibility and restraint even if one is in opposition. He said that’s why his fighters never blew up Hima Cement (even when they had capacity to) simply because Amin they were fighting against is the one who put it up.
Towards the end of his narrative, Museveni announced readiness to carry on with his countrywide anti-poverty mobilization tours. He announced a windfall (emphasizing what Haruna Kasolo has said earlier in a story Mulengera News published) whereby he will be dishing out money to SACCOs encompassing almost everyone in a district. He said he has money to sponsor 16 SACCOs in every district. These SACCOs would comprise of Boda-rider associations, salon operators, ex-LC officials, media practitioners associations, carpenters, blacksmiths, women entrepreneur associations, taxi operators, restaurant operators, PWDs, tailors association etc.
He said even comedians and musicians would form SACCOs in which he will be pouring money to get them participate in creating additional wealth. He said all musicians except the likes of Bobi Wine (who the opposition prompted him to describe as indisciplined) would be welcome to partake of the cash. Amid heckling by the opposition MPs, Museveni cynically said “we shall even come for supplementary funding if necessary.”
On the elected leaders, he said, there are as many as over 700,000 LC1 officials in the country who have never benefited from such seed money from government because programs like OWC exclude them because they are leaders. Museveni at this point said all Ugandans would partake of the money even if they are from opposition parties “provided they are legally registered and have structures on the ground.” He said he has over Shs130bn to begin with.
But this money is going to kill many birds with one stone for him including fermenting sharp divisions among his opponents as parties are likely to attempt punishing members and leaders who go to get the money. This will no doubt create more animosity among political parties of the opposition that are already in turmoil.
As if to equip those likely to be reprimanded with defenses to make, Museveni said parties shouldn’t be over glorified because they are a means to an end rather than being an end in themselves. The likely reprimand will give some the excuse to openly defect to the NRM. (For comments, call, text or whatsapp us on 0703164755).