By John V Sserwaniko
The traffic leading to and from Hotel Africana (on Tuesday morning) was unusually high and this had to do with one of the very many events that were being hosted there.

In their hundreds, Ugandans converged here to participate in the crowning event for this year’s budget month organized by the Finance Ministry in close collaboration with URA, CSBAG and PSFU.
Many began arriving as early as 7am for an event whose start time was 9am. Inside the meeting hall, organizers must have been overwhelmed as there was a massive overflow and people ended up following from the windows and corridors after the hall filled to capacity.

You had Ugandans from all walks of life including taxi drivers, University students, informal traders, market vendors, street vendors, Kikuubo businessmen, bloggers, economic pundits, CSOs activists and professional working Ugandans.
Line Minister David Bahati, who represented his boss Maria Kasaija, was joined by a powerful delegation comprising of fellow ministers, MPs, finance Ministry technocrats and URA officials to listen to Ugandans pronounce themselves on tax administration, budgeting and the resultant service delivery.

URA’s Jamil Senyonjo did a good job emceeing and moderating the day’s proceedings in perfect Luganda and English. The panel that answered questions was equally excellent comprising of Director budgeting Kenneth Mugambe, URA’s Dorris Akol, PSFU’ Gideon Bagadawa, CSBAG’s Julius Makunda and several commissioners from URA.

The event was also broadcast live on and Kabaka’s BBS Terefayina and NBS (arguably Uganda’s most watched TV channel). This simply means that millions of Ugandans followed the debate from the comfort of their homes and work places.
A URA team, ably coordinated by Commissioner Ian Rumanyika, ensured millions were reached through twitter and other social media platforms.

Conventionally it’s believed tax collectors aren’t expected to be liked but Commissioner General Dorris Akol proved to be exceptional if the commendations she received at the meeting are anything to go by.
Many from the audience commended the energy and simplicity with which she delivers her tax education messages during taxpayer sensitization engagements similar to the one that was being held at Hotel Africana.

Businessmen from Kikuubo, vendors and taxi drivers appreciated her outreach efforts aimed at demystifying fears people always have towards tax matters. Indeed, at the end of the dialogue, hundreds of ordinary traders from down town stampeded to take selfies with her.
Nakawa Mayor Ronald Balimwezo said he was proud to lead a KCCA City Division in which URA headquarters and therefore Akol’s offices are situated. He said the multi-storied URA complex the Akol administration put in place is a source pride to all Nakawa Division residents.

Balimwezo also referred to the strong relationship his Municipality administration has with URA as a corporate organization and challenged other MDAs to emulate Akol’s leadership style.
Beti Kamya, speaking as Minister of Kampala, equally thanked URA for choosing her city to host the budgeting month crowning event.

Kampala RCC Faridah Mpiima Mayanja commended Akol for deepening levels of customer care with which URA staff relate with the tax-paying public in Kampala.
She called Akol “a giant lady” and said her office always gets feedback from the public regarding the quality of services they receive from govt entities.

“Mama I’m here to report without any fear of contradiction that the feedback my office gets during our community meetings is very positive. The people of Kampala are really very proud of you,” Mpiima said as she moved a vote of thanks at the end of the dialogue.
David Bahati had earlier on said he was proud to preside over a sector where Akol is a key player. Indeed, the responsibility of collecting almost half of the money GoU will require to deliver social services under the FY2019/2020 will be collected by Akol and her teams at URA.

It’s a Shs40trn budget and of this, slightly over Shs18trn will come from taxes which Akol’s URA will have to collect.
Bahati said he has all the confidence that the Akol-led tax body (which exceeded their targets for last FY by Shs320bn) will deliver as expected this FY2019/2020.

Generally, the audience raised all manner of concerns including things one would consider petty. At some point, a political rally-like atmosphere prevailed inside the hall as people started raising questions showing political discontent with the NRM.
Sanity only returned after Akol (renowned for her contempt for politicization of things) got the microphone and announced this strictly was a tax education seminar implying no political questions would be answered.

Perhaps out of respect for her, the audience (which Jamil Senyonjo as moderator was struggling to control) accepted. They adjusted their behavior and the anti-government heckling stopped. See more in pictures taken at the event.

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