By Mulengera Reporters
Attorney General Kiwanuka Kiryowa hails from the family of legendary Uganda’s independence struggle icon Jolly Joe Kiwanuka who was also thickly involved in the running of Express FC aka Mukwano Gw’abangi (friend of many) in the 1960s all the way to the 70s when he met his death.
It was that nostalgia that prompted Express FC fans and management to celebrate a few years ago when Uganda’s combative lawyer KK offered to become Club Chairman. The idea was to revive the Club to its former glory. A lot was expected with many convinced that KK would leverage his State House and other connections to revive the Club’s past glory. Today, several years later, there is regret and disillusionment that KK hasn’t met those expectations.
Last Sunday Express FC fans converged at their Mutesa II Memorial Stadium at Wankulukuku to reflect on the chaos that has visited their Club including the recent humiliation which saw their Club register a 7-0 goals defeat at the hands of Kitara FC.
Foul play relating to match-fixing, which FUFA is already looking into, has since been suspected with many pointing an accusing finger at the Club CEO Ashraf Miiro. At the meeting, fans castigated Miiro for taking advantage of weak supervision, deriving from KK’s busy schedule, to engage in inappropriate conduct.
They also regretted ever permitting KK’s brother Suubi Kiwanuka to take charge in the capacity of caretaker Chairman. They wondered why players’ allowances can’t be paid on time yet Miiro has access to lots of sponsorship money especially that coming from the SEMABET sponsorship deal. The angry fans demanded that KK realizes he is too busy so that someone else steps forward to fill the vacuum and head the Club as Chairman.
The fans also criticized and regretted the decision to relocate Express FC matches from Mutesa II stadium in Wankulukuku to Hamz Stadium at Nakivubo where those coming to watch matches are required to pay Shs20,000 instead of Shs10,000 which used to be the case at Wankulukuku. Fans said the ongoing chaos has diminished public confidence and trust in the Club leading to low turn up at matches.
That what used to be Mukwano Gw’abangi (friend of many) has since been degraded to Mukwano gwa batono (friend of the few) under KK’s reign as Club Chairman. Allan Paaya and player Mark Kavuma were some of the very outspoken stakeholders at the Sunday meeting at Wankulukuku. (For comments on this story, get back to us on 0705579994 [WhatsApp line], 0779411734 & 041 4674611 or email us at