By Mulengera Reporters
Singer Mathias Walukagga is determined to elevate himself from being Kyengera Mayor to Busiro East MP except that he is still treading carefully as of now before going public about his intentions for 2026.
Walukagga is convinced that his mentor Medard Lubega Segona’s popularity has shrunk significantly because of the fatigue that comes with being a three term incumbent. The first one to ever get 2nd term as Busiro East MP, Segona has represented the area since 2011 when he replaced Susan Nakawuki.
Walukagga is also emboldened by belief that the former Kabaka Minister, who recently was screamed at by foot soldiers at NUP’s Kavule offices as he came for some meeting, will most likely not be given the party flag for 2026.
Segona’s biggest cause of trouble is his ambivalence when he was required to sign onto the censure motion and to also publicly contradict Mathias Mpuuga when he fell out with Bobi Wine. His unwillingness to turn tables on Mpuuga was informed by the deep personal relationship the duo has to the extent that their spouses are best friends.
In fact, sometimes, Mpuuga’s wife helps out with dropping of Segona’s children to and from school whenever his own wife is unable to do it herself (Mpuuga and Segona reside in the same neighborhood of Nsangi-Kyengera Town Council).
However, the NUP Principal, sources indicate, has remained very reluctant to accept Medard Segona’s reasoning and justifucation as to why he can’t publicly contradict his fellow Oweekitiibwa Mathias Mpuuga.
This failure to cooperate on the anti-Mpuuga war has caused Mr. Wine to consider Oweek Medard Segona to be someone who has crossed the red line and thereby fatally diminishing his card-retention chances for 2026. (For comments on this story, get back to us on 0705579994 [WhatsApp line], 0779411734 & 041 4674611 or email us at