By John V Sserwaniko
A few days ago, all Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) and Municipal Town Clerks responded to an invitation by Local Government Ministry PS Benjamin Kumumanya and converged at Hotel Africana for their quarterly performance review meeting. Feeling their performance in the preceding quarter was lukewarm and fell below what was expected, State Local Government Minister Jennifer Namuyangu furiously rebuked the assembled lower governments accounting officers and assured them that laziness wouldn’t be tolerated anymore as H/E YK Museveni’s Hakuna Mchezo term of government continues taking root. As our exclusive pictorial following below shows, Namuyangu’s tough rebuke didn’t prevent CAOs & T/Cs from demonstrating swag and behaving flamboyantly throughout the meeting. See more for yourself in the following pictorial: (For feedback on this & other Mulengera news stories, reach us on 0703164755!)