By Mulengera Reporters
As ED UBOS, Paul Ben Mungyereza sometime back released a survey report that showed the number of extremely poor Ugandans (below poverty line) had increased to 10m, a thing that angered and ashamed NRM that was facing reelection campaigns in the near future. Mungyereza was criticized by President M7’s supporters who saw his findings as an act of sabotage to a President that was facing JPAM & Besigye in the 2016 campaigns. Mungyereza defended himself and life moved on but sources close to him say the ED, who has served UBOS for 16 years, was never the same again. He has finally resigned to take up a more befitting job at African Development Bank where he will oversee capacity building programs in its statistics department. Mungyereza lectured statistics at Mak before joining UBOS in 2002. He started out initially as a primary & secondary school teacher. His departure follows that of his deputy Francis Mashate who quit much earlier on.