By Our Reporters
Ex-M7 press secretary Onapito Ekomoloit says those blaming FDC President Patrick Oboi Amuriat (POA) aren’t being realistic because in any case, “mainstream established politicians” like the Katuntus are increasingly becoming out fashioned and rejected by voters globally. Speaking on NTV’s 4th Estate, Onapito gave the example of US president Donald Trump saying he epitomizes a new political movement of less rational politicians riding on the populism card to charm the masses to elect them into office. “Its not correct to blame Amuriat for moving with what is trending (populism) all over the world including in the western world. The mainstream established politicians are in decline everywhere and its increasingly becoming a world of those that would ordinarily be despised.” Renowned for his insightful analysis, Onapito was supported by FDC big girl Sarah Eperu who said POA’s reshuffle like all the others by his predecessors before will understandably attract mixed reactions because different groups have different interests. “Me too I have my own reservations because the 40% threshold for women wasn’t realized. I’m also from Teso and Amuriat should have given the MPs from Teso something but he hasn’t perhaps because they were hostile to his election,” Eperu said on the same NTV program.