After enduring sustained public attacks on social media regarding his views on social media tax, singer Bebe Cool appeared on CBS radio and gave his views in a manner that indicated to his fans he might finally be considering joining politics. The Big Size, who has lately been at war with fellow musicians who recently joined Generation Leader Bobi Wine in a demonstration against the OTT tax, read out a 10 point program highlighting things that he wants to be addressed and very urgently to diminish youth anger towards the NRM government. Bebe, who had no kind words for the 10th Parliament, eloquently bashed the MPs for pressurizing the president to buy them escort vehicles instead of unanimously urging him to divert such money to revitalize hospitals like Kiruddu which despite being a referral facility, lacks many basic things including sanitation facilities and properly functioning sewerage systems. He said he will do something to show his anger should MPs ever sit to appropriate money for the escort cars. He says it’s an act of selfishness. He also accuses MPs of selfishly monopolizing the President instead of using their access to him to regularly get him interact with the unemployed youths in their respective constituencies. The singer, who is openly NRM and famously coordinated colleagues to campaign for Museveni in 2016, says he has finalized a program that will see the H/E regularly meet and interact with the young people to deepen his knowledge of their problems. In point number 3 Bebe Cool preached against regime change saying it’s not what Uganda needs but change of mindset of the people. He says rioting is very bad for the young people because that is not how celebs like himself, Chameleon or even Bobi Wine succeeded in life. To become rich, he says, the young people must save at least 50% of whatever they earn besides working hard and vows to undertake the duty to educate them on saving. He says MPs should help mobilize people to shun the debate on social media tax which he says affects only 1m youth who are active facebookers. Instead the MPs should come up with programs to mobilize people into farming because that benefits majority of the 48m people we have in Uganda. He says traders in Kikubo have for long shouldered the burden of taxation arguing that it’s prudent to lessen their tax burden through introducing OTT tax on social media users. Bebe Cool, who is already being marketed by fans for the position of youth minister in the upcoming reshuffle on grounds the Nakiwalas have let down the President, says he isn’t new to politics. He specifically says: “I started politics when I joined Tubonga Nawe long time ago. I support Museveni with all my strength because he is a very intelligent leader. The people around him are the problem. Ugandans should utilize him as much as they can.” Bebe Cool, who appears to be under pressure to counter Bobi Wine who is increasingly becoming a political sensation across the country, promised to use his unfettered access to the President to constantly pester him to address grievances of the youth and farmers whom he described as “omuntu wabulijjo.” The singer’s submission on CBS excited some of his supporters to the extent of beginning a social media campaign imploring the President to make him youth minister replacing Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi. For comments, call, text or whatsapp us on 0703164755.