By Fortunate Ahimbisibwe
Mr. Fortunate Ahimbisibwe, a former senior writer at state-owned New Vision, has weighed in on the debate joining thousands of Ugandans who have been online protesting attempts to side-line big name talk show host Charles Odongotho in favor of much resented Andrew Mwenda. The following is his submission;
NBS Save the Frontline from collapsing
By Fortunate Ahimbisibwe
Dear NBS, I have an abiding connection with one of your shows, The Frontline. It gives me a mystical attachment to my country because of the nature of debate. Ever since it was launched, I watch it religiously. I have seen it evolve into a national point of reference for politics, the economy and social and welfare issues. I rely on it for my Thursday night and I enjoy it.
However, I am concerned that the show is degenerating into a shouting contest ever since Andrew Mwenda joined the debate. All the Frontliners are known political players and we all know which views they represent. Ofwono, a die hard NRM propagandist is excused if he says anything, Matembe presents a motherly sometimes emotional yet critical approach to express her dissatisfaction with NRM and M7. Intellectual Mao provides not only perfect analogies but also provides sharp criticism to the NRM in a subtle manner.
The host, Odongtho, a harmless calm fellow who gives the members time to give their views with minimum yet coordinated intervention. And then Mwenda, an imposing fellow with a high level of intolerance to other people’s views. My problem with Charles is why he has allowed Mwenda to continuously misbehave on the program.
The show is steadily losing focus with the introduction of Mwenda who presents himself as an all knowing (omniscient) intellectual who does not listen to other people. As it is now, Mwenda is nolonger an observer in Uganda’s political debate, he has become a participant on the side of NRM. Yet he continues to present himself as an independent voice. This is totally misleading. One cannot be both.
NBS needs to decide where to place Mwenda, whether he comes in as an NRM spokesperson or whether he comes in to abuse members of the opposition by calling them shameful names.
Two weeks ago, most viewers were left disappointed how Mwenda expressed his ignorance about BoU operations and legal standing. Thanks to lawyer Kirunda who put him in his place and gave the debate the perspective it deserved.
The audience can not be taken for granted, we want a show devoid of Mwenda’s drama. I appreciate the fact that Mwenda has strong opinions and even strong arguments to back them, but this cant be at the expense of other participants.
Uganda right now needs healing before bitterness; Mwenda with his exaggerated ego is facilitating bitterness by abusing people who are providing an alternative voice. He called Bobi Wine an empty head. That is morally incorrect and NBS should be careful not be involved in machinations for power, influence and money. Mwenda is clearly seeking the above but hiding under the cover of journalism.
What Mwenda is doing is far from journalism but politics. What happens when an educated person chooses to be a liar? At the very least, NBS should prevail over Mwenda to respect other guests or find for him an alternative show to moderate and we see how much viewership it will attract.
NBS should also declare to its viewers in what capacity Mwenda comes to the show. NBS should be enormously grateful to viewers because we make the show what it is by giving feedback, right now, the feedback is terrible. The social media following for the show is more about abusing Mwenda than discussing the issues. I hope you will not be surprised if the show ratings have gone down over the last couple of weeks.
Does Mwenda appear on the Frontline as a behind the scenes regime hired gun to cover up for what government officials can’t deliver on tele? Or as an analyst.
One day he is speaking for beneficiaries of the 6bn Shs handshake, another day he is defending Rwanda against Ugandan interests, the next minute he is speaking for Sudhir or Crane Bank.
On his last appearance on the Frontline he was defending the BOU Governor but in a very uninformed manner which even left viewers wondering if he cares anymore about what he says.
Very soon, he will be defending, national thief, UMEME.
If the former is true, then its like a leper selling good meat. No such meat is bought, not because it is bad but because it is sold by someone not trusted.