By Our Reporters
Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi has used his speech during his 25th coronation anniversary (Silver Jubilee) to revitalize the fight against corruption in Ugandan public offices. Addressing a mammoth very cheerful crowd, the Buganda king said corruption is the major cause of instability, declining service delivery and surge in violent crime that have lately been rampant in Uganda. He doubted if government efforts to economically transform Uganda will succeed without first halting corruption which he likened to drawing water using a leaking basket. He also condemned income inequality that has resulted into a society of a few with too much wealth on one hand and a majority with almost nothing on the other. He urged parents to help government bring up their children in a manner that despises greed for material things. Saying ills like unemployment were direct results of corruption, the Kabaka called on Baganda to work towards reviving cooperatives and revitalizing coffee farming which he said is one way households can create wealth and overcome poverty. He also had a message regarding the HIV Aids scourge calling on his people to regularly go for HIV testing as one of the preventive measures for them to remain safe. For comments, call, text or whatsapp us on 0703164755.