Bugweri County MP Abdu Katuntu has inadvertently defended and emboldened chaotic Bukoono County MP Persis Namuganza’s defiant reaction to fellow Busoga MPs who met on Friday and voted to expel her from Busoga Parliamentary Caucus (BPC). She was expelled for being vulgar in public while disrespectfully discussing the character of Speaker Rebecca Kadaga and Gabula the Kyabazinga. Asked to comment about the much-publicized Namuganza expulsion, which this news website had predicted on Thursday, Katuntu said: “There is no big deal really about caucus membership. It’s just a pass time activity and she can do without being a member. It’s nothing more than just being a social club where members meet and socialize. My honest opinion is that she doesn’t lose much being expelled.” Katuntu, who explained he skipped the Friday meeting because he expected members to become emotionally charged and utter derogatory stuff that one might regret the next day, qualified his statement thus: “But members were right to show their detest for Namuganza’s conduct that way. I think they wanted to send out a strong statement showing displeasure. She had become too vulgar and went overboard taking things very primitively while attacking the Speaker and our King. It’s ok for her to belong to the different royal house in Busoga but she had taken her differences with the Speaker too far.
She has really been indecent and her conduct is regrettable. Otherwise there are many bad mannered people in the Busoga community and Namuganza isn’t the only one guilty of this. Like many other people everywhere, including here in Kampala, she quite often resorts to a language that I’m not comfortable with.” Katuntu was speaking barely three hours after Namuganza appeared on Steven Dunstan Busuulwa’s Saturday show (Negwozadde on Top Radio) where she arrogantly said she wouldn’t lose an inch of her sleep simply because BPC members expelled her. While demanding a refund of her monthly contributions, Namuganza said the caucus benefited more from her than she benefited from it which explains why she hasn’t been active in its activities. However, the Top radio signal went off air barely an hour into the show leaving fire-spiting Namuganza yawning and very stranded. “It’s not us as UCC because I would have been aware if anyone was going to switch them off. It must have been a technical problem internally and we have nothing to do with why the show went off mid-way,” UCC Executive Director Godfrey Mutabazi told Mulengera news website via telephone. For comments, call/text/whatsapp us on 0703164755!