By Wafula Malik
Eddie Kenzo Musuza has joined Pallaso and Annet Nandujja in releasing mega hit songs declaring solidarity with Bobi Wine. In his new hit Biwoobe/Mbakooye, Kenzo puts much of the blame for the current political problems in Uganda on the floppy MPs whom he contemptuously refers to as Biwulenge [like idiots]. He says the 10th Parliament is full of such people who have put Uganda in problems and its current hopelessness because of the bad laws they pass from time to time. Kenzo says greed and corruption have become too much in today’s leaders he even wonders whether soldiers who died in the Luwero bush war didn’t die in vain. He also blames voters for accepting to be bribed with small things to keep voting wrong people to Parliament. He calls on citizens to pray more for their country saying that is the only hope remaining. He openly tells off current political leaders, on whose rallies he was hired to sing in 2011 when his stamina hit was up there and in 2016, that “mbakooye” which means I’m tired of you. He says in the song that he is fed up because leaders have resorted to working for their stomachs and not the people anymore. He predicts that the day things change, such leaders are going to leave their relatives and tribes mates in big problems as the angry population could go on looting spree and target them. He curses today’s political leaders whose policies he says have marginalized all people including the young and old, the deaf, the blind and the disabled. He also sings about the futility of the very few accumulating obscene wealth in their gated communities surrounded by people living in a sea of poverty. His song follows Pallaso’s heavily political hit which is a tribute to Bobi Wine. In it, Pallaso urges the President to free Bobi Wine as a sign of peace, hope and reconciliation.
He says Bobi may not be perfect in his views but the youths must rally behind him because he is the one they have. He says that his father had warned him not to release the song because politics is risky and he might be targeted and lose his life yet he is designated to be his heir when Mzee Mayanja dies. But Pallaso says he has an obligation to speak for the voiceless and it’s important he does what his heart tells him much as he respects his dad. Nandujja equally has a mega hit (available on our facebook platform Mulengera Media) in which she likens Bobi Wine to a fierce male lion that is going to liberate Uganda and end Museveni’s rule without fail. She refers to him as the lion that sits on Magere hill in Kyaddondo. For comments, call, text or whatsapp us on 0703164755.