It appears the throat inflammation disease affecting Vice President Edward Kiwanuka Sekandi continues taking toll on him every passing day. From what we know so far, it has treated him differently at different occasions. Sometimes it impairs his speech abilities and he fails to make a speech like we saw last May at Prof Lawrence Mukiibi’s burial ceremony. Sometimes it’s so crippling; he can’t even show up for public functions at all. And on other occasions it makes him fail to control sleep, an experience that has continued to expose him to a lot of public ridicule. The latest attack on the old man from Kyanamukaka, who is so old that he was Chief Justice Bart Katureebe’s law lecturer 40 years ago, occurred during the public ceremony Katureebe hosted in the High Court compound to mark the commencement of the new law year (2018). Even when the speeches weren’t long or that boring (courtesy of regular musical interludes), Sekandi still wouldn’t successfully resist the sleeping bug. He publicly slept off and it’s very likely he missed many of the things that were uttered by different speakers. One other thing that became very evident during the same ceremony is the fact that public naps can sometimes be very contagious as Sekandi’s sleeping habit quickly spread through the VIP tent and even some of their Lordships weren’t spared. We have a few pictures to that effect which we hereby share: