By Mulengera Reporters
Following our Friday story on the impending scrapping of Allen Kagina’s UNRA, the Daily Monitor had this morning carried a more comprehensive story. It shows many more agencies that the last Monday cabinet meeting, that we reported about on Friday, voted to scrap and their functions pushed back to mother ministries. They include Twebaze Bemanya’s URSB and Judith Obiter’s NIRA which are to be under Internal Affairs Ministry. Others are Medard Bitekyerezo’s National Drugs Authority (NDA) & Moses Kamabare’s NMS to be merged under Ruth Aceng’s Health Ministry. In the Education Ministry, National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) is to be scrapped and its mandated transfered back to the mother Ministry. UBTEB which conducts vocational national examinations too could be affected. As for NCHE we earlier disclosed further details in our earlier story in which we showed that the Minister Janet Museveni had ignored to reappoint CEO Prof Asibo Opuda whose contract expired three weeks ago. She had been notified of the impending expiry 6 months prior but she ignored and up to this day, Opuda is working without having any valid contract. We understand a relentless Opuda has since been advised to engage an influential MP from Teso to lobby the President for reappointment as was the case with Mubs boss Wasswa Balunywa. In the new restructuring changes, the cabinet is to bring to Parliament a comprehensive bill proposing the details on how the merger & scrapping of agencies will be effected. As we reported in the UNRA Friday story, affected agencies’ employees wishing to remain government employees will have to reapply for their jobs for absorption in the mother ministries. For comments, call, text or WhatsApp us on 0703164755.