By John V Sserwaniko
Hajji Yunus Kakande, a seasoned administrator who serves as Under Secretary in the Office of the President, is on the verge of being named new Secretary Office of the President. This title goes for the accounting officer or PS to the office of the President. Because there is a thin line between the two, many often confuse this office with State House yet in actual sense these are two clearly distinguishable votes with respective accounting officers. Whereas comptroller Lucy Nakyobe is the accounting officer for the State House vote, outgoing Deborah Katuramu has been the accounting officer/vote controller for the Presidency. The Presidency ministry, whose current occupant is Minister Ester Mbayo, is a very powerful docket carrying lots of responsibility. The docket inter alia controls the appointment and posting of all Presidential Advisors and RDCs as well as their remuneration, facilitation and terms of service. It also oversees the appointment, posting and promotion of all administrative cadres for all government MDAs. The office originates and participates in the appointment of all administrators for all the Ministries/MDAs up to the level of Under Secretary. And in Ministries, the Under Secretary is often construed to be the deputy PS defacto. Most of the Presidency work falls on the shoulders of whoever holds the docket of Secretary (accounting officer) to the Office of the President. There is currently a vacuum following the elevation of Deborah Katuramu to deputize Head Public Service/Cabinet Secretary the venerable John Mitala. Katuramu had replaced legendary Teckla Kinalwa who died (in retirement while serving as Commissioner for UHRC) some years ago. Katuramu will be remembered for being fearless and thick-skinned, attributes that saw her stand up to powerful bullies like Mzee John Nagenda.

Hajji Yunus Kakande, a very reclusive figure, has served as Under Secretary for many years and has spearheaded appointment and posting of many powerful administrators in the different ministries. These are people calling shots at the different ministries. A Museveni blue eyed boy, Hajji Kakande has always been scandal-free, a thing that has put him ahead of the others eyeing Katuramu’s lucrative job. Kakande is also a smooth operator who has always had excellent relations with stakeholders like the media, the MPs and Museveni subordinate elected political leaders in the local governments and NRM caucus. “Notwithstanding his introverted personality, Hajji Kakande is generally a likeable character and is famous for wishing everyone well. He never frustrates or envies anyone. He is a mentor who has nurtured many,” a source said of Kakande who is also politically very insightful, another attribute the President likes about him. “He has worked with Katuramu and others before which gives him the institutional memory of that place to ensure continuity of the programs started much earlier on. He also has the political sensibilities to comprehend what amounts to crossing the red line when dealing with the President and the entire State House bureaucracy.” Kakande is also understood to be preferred by Katuramu on top of Mzee John Mitala. Some had considered Judiciary Secretary Kagole Kivumbi but the President discouraged that on grounds that all the administrative reforms he has supported CJ Bart Katureebe and PJ Yerokam Bamwine to initiate in the Judiciary will stall or be in jeopardy the moment he is replaced. Mitala’s endorsement increases Kakande’s chances because the President is renowned for trusting elderly Mitala’s professional counsel regarding such high profile appointments.

But before assuming the position, Kakande will have to overcome a strong contender in Patrick Ochaillap who currently deputizes PSST Keith Muhakanizi. The other obstacle is that Mitala’s professional backing might deprive Kakande of the necessary good will and moral support of some powerful technocrats like Gender PS the powerful Pius Bigirimana who is known for not being on very good terms with John Mitala. This started when Mitala’s supporters concluded, being among the most senior efficient PSs currently in the service, Bigirimana easily qualifies to become the next Head of Public Service which equals being the supervisor of all the PSs. The Mitala adherents misconstrued the man from Kisoro for somebody who was actively interested in their man’s lucrative job. Late Opio Lukone’s experience (he is Katuramu’s immediately predecessor in deputizing Mitala) created an impression that the President sometimes considers such seniority and longevity of service as PS when posting people to head the Cabinet secretariat. Some reports indicate the even OPM PS Christine Kintu Guwatudde has the necessary credentials to replace Mitala who is exiting in a couple of months when his final 24 months finally contract expires. The other factor standing in Kakande’s way is age (he is nearing 60) but which isn’t fatal because there are already other PSs in the same age bracket or even more including Trade’s Julius One, Work’s Waiswa Baligeya or even Deborah Katuramu. They can serve on contract even beyond 60. Kakande must also secure the active backing of Al-hajji Moses Kigongo to whom the President famously listens when it comes to lobbying for Muslims that merit being appointed to influential positions.
Yet that isn’t all that Kakande must contend with. There is also a 3rd contender in ex-Bunyole County MP Emmanuel Lumala Ddombo’s young brother James Collins Ddombo. Having been Under Secretary for close to 10 years, Collins Ddombo is currently the Head of Administration in Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda’s office. Prior to that, he served as Under Secretary Ministries of Agriculture (MAAIF) and Energy where he replaced James Kintu who was recently transferred from Foreign Affairs to Local government Ministry. Even when he is professionally backing him as the most suitable candidate, Mzee John Mitala is understood to have lately become withdrawn and a bit lukewarm fearing to be misunderstood by the other powerful actors that are actively lobbying the President to throw his weight behind their other respective candidates for the position whose occupants have in the past turned into some of contemporary Uganda’s wealthiest civil servants. For comments, call,text or whatsapp us on 0703164755.