By John V Sserwaniko
FDC President Patrick Oboi Amuriat (POA) has finally had to act in the face of the huge dilemma similar to what his predecessor Gen Mugisha Muntu faced almost 6 years ago. The year was 2012 when Gen Muntu, who had just replaced Col Kizza Besigye as party president, had to reshuffle the FDC party (and generally opposition) leadership in Parliament. Nathan Nandala Mafabi, whom he had just defeated in a very bruising party election, was the incumbent Leader of Opposition (LoP). Muntu, quite understandably, removed Nandala and replaced him with Wafula Ogutu who had been a key pillar in the Nandala camp. Wafula’s appointment was welcomed as prudent in that it amounted to reaching out to the enemy camp and in the process de-escalated things at least on the surface. Muntu, who was clearly determined to build bridges and reconcile the party to recreate cohesion at Najjanankumbi, also went for Semujju Nganda (another staunch Nandala supporter) and made him Opposition Whip in Parliament. Semujju replaced Muntu’s diehard supporter Cecilia Ogwal. This wasn’t only window dressing. It worked as Muntu genuinely empowered these new appointees to ably run the show in Parliament notwithstanding they both (Nganda & Wafula) had supported his opponent only months earlier. Nandala’s refusal to concede defeat, emboldened by Rubaramira Ruranga who eventually defected to NRM, only made the situation more complicated. One lesson had (has) to be learnt, it takes a rare brand of leadership to act the way Muntu did in the face unabating provocation and hostility from the Nandala camp. In the end the Muntu good values of humility, firmness, tolerance & consensus-building got Semujju converted to the extent that in 2017 (barely 5 years later) he headed Muntu’s reelection campaigns arguing he had finally discovered the man from Ntungamo wasn’t as imprudent as he initially thought. The 5 years preceding 2017 had created sufficient proximity for Semujju to work closely and deepen his understanding and appreciation of Muntu’s work methods. Wafula Ogutu remained a Nandala/POA man 5 years later (in 2017) but remained courteous towards Muntu just like Semujju remained towards Nandala even as he marketed Muntu against POA who belonged to Besigye’s People Government Network just like Semujju himself. Even when he was deploying committee leaders, Muntu was clearly guided by merit and value-addition as opposed to pursuing a vendetta agenda seeking to purge old foes.

Five (almost 6) years later, Muntu’s successor POA has been faced with a similar dilemma and his line up clearly shows the extent to which Defiance politics prevailed more than anything else in his choice of lieutenants to work with for the next 30 months (remaining to the next elections). High committed but young and mildly-experienced Francis Mwijukye, whose politics has always epitomized defiance, comes in to replace old lady Cecilia Ogwal as Commissioner of Parliament. This is a very big position that comes with a lot of clout including influencing and accessing significant groceries. The Commission handles the budgeting, planning, procurement, administrative and HR recruitment function of Parliament. Cecilia Ogwal, herself a renowned Besigyeist, replaced Elijah Okupa on this all-important Commission where the opposition FDC has always had one representative plus the LoP. Before Okupa there was Alice Alasoand Ibi Florence at different times. Veteran Besigye supporter Reagan Okumu too has had the opportunity to eat things in the Commission. It’s a very empowering experience whose membership assures Mwijukye of reelection. And the very energetic Buhweju County MP could use the position build vital networks and intensify FDC political mobilization in his native Ankole sub region where President Museveni recently accused him of fermenting political confusion.

The replacement of Winnie Kiiza with equally experienced and measured Betty Aol is further indication of the extent to which this reshuffle was for the Besigyeists to enjoy. Aol is Gulu woman MP and has religiously supported Besigye as a person and the FDC struggle for as long as we can remember. The consistency with which she led the opposition forces during the Togikwatako days made Kiiza a darling of millions of people across the country. That track record, coupled with the fact that her native Kasese district has always voted for the FDC party, is the reason why POA’s decision replacing her will remain misunderstood for many more months to come. She also offered unwavering leadership for the petition challenging the Magyezi Act scrapping age limits in the constitution which was the only surest way remaining to certainly get rid of Museveni someday. Not even the Mbale ruling dampened her resolve to fight on as she is back leading fellow opposition MPs to appeal the decision in the Supreme Court. Obongi County MP Kaps Fungaroo, who is coming in to lead the Committee on Government Assurances, is another Defiance activist who has loyally followed Besigye for many years. His role in the Arua post-Abiriga death riots is something Defiance king POA must have had to find a way of reciprocating. Nandala Mafabi, who not only did well previously as PAC Chairman but was also the kingmaker behind POA’s own election as FDC president, returns to chair the accountability committee he once heroically chaired in the 8th Parliament. He is a renowned Besigyeist and must be one of the many key advisors POA consulted as he plotted this reshuffle.

A renowned Muntu hater, Nandala remains militant and uncompromising as ever. To be fair to POA, it also ought to be admitted PAC under Gerald Karuhanga & Angeline Osege’s leadership (both Muntu diehards who came after Nandala and Kassiano Wadri) had become a shadow of its former self though many will eagerly be waiting to be surprised if Nandala ever exhibits the vibrancy he was once synonymous with as PAC chairman. Mubarak Munyagwa’s deployment to shepherd COCASE, a committee prolific Abdul Katuntu has led from obscurity to number one position in just 30 months, is further proof of the extent to which the Defiance political approach informed POA’s decisions. He will be deputized by Rubaga North MP Moses Kasibante who for long has been a persistent Besigye ally & the entire Defiance team. This position has for the last 30 months been occupied by Bukedea Woman MP Anita Among who, despite publicly embracing Musevenism, had continued to financially support the FDC party actually more generously than those who were elected to the 10th Parliament on the FDC ticket. At some point, the independent Bukedea MP’s monthly financial contribution by 4 times exceeded that of any other party MP.

This actually is the reason many knowledgeable insiders had acquiesced to Gen Muntu’s decision to have her deputize pace-setting Abdul Katuntu. Notwithstanding his many shortcomings, as has often been articulated by defiance adherents, Katuntu has set a standard for COCASE that will be too hard for any of his future successors to surmount. His COCASE predecessor Semujju Nganda had tried doing remarkably well too but not to the levels the outgoing Bugweri County MP got the committee that had in the past been synonymous with the usual Ugandan mediocrity.

Roland Kaginda, who represents Rukungiri Municipality which is Besigye’s home turf& is no doubt a Defiance adherent, is FDC’s new points-man onmatters regarding IPA. This may look an obscure deployment for the uninitiated but it comes with a lot of opportunities to travel and to also input into the legislative agenda and standards-setting beyond the Ugandan local scene. Betty Nambooze, an influential DP MP & a predictably consistent Besigye ally, has been assigned the CPA (Commonwealth) representation. Semujju Nganda, the unrepentant adherent of the Defiance approach, retains his position as Opposition Whip. He is renowned for his eloquence, insightfulness & high commitment to the FDC struggle to cause regime change in this country.He also remains vastly connected and extremely popular in his Kiira Municipality constituency.His eloquence also makes him the prized fighter the FDC party needs currently as it faces significant scrutiny over its apparent failure to comprehensively unite the opposition within and outside Parliament. For comments, call, text or whatsapp us on 0703164755.