By John V Sserwaniko
Insisting the IGG Irene Mulyagonja has no powers to inquire into her conduct regarding her driver Akantiorana Matiya and Body Guard Jimmy Eyou whose allowances she is alleged to have diverted and chewed, High Court Judge Kibula Elizabeth Kabanda has petitioned the Constitutional Court. Represented by prominent City Lawyer Fred Muwema, Justice Kibula is suing both the Attorney General and the IGG under Constitutional Petition No. 8 of 2018. She argues that the IGG inquiry offends the independence with which judicial officers like her are presumed to act in execution of their duties. Arguing that the IGG’s inquiry is unconstitutional and ultra-vires her Ombudsman powers, Justice Kibula raises many grounds on which the Court should base to permanently injunct Mulyagonja’s inquiry. It’s a case in which many stakeholders including legal scholars, fellow judges, researchers and government watch dog institutions will be keenly interested in. See more details in the court documents reproduced below: For comments on this & other Mulengera news stories, reach us on 0703164755!