John Kakande, the chief editor of New Vision, has this morning broken down wailing during a radio talk show over what panelists agreed are the growing tendencies of impunity exhibited by soldiers attached to Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) headed by Gen Salim Saleh. Kakande was appearing on Radio Simba’s very popular Saturday program called Gasimbagane (Facing the Press) along with Charles Rwomushana, Haruna Kanabi and Butambala MP Muwanga Kivumbi. Kakande, a DP-leaning journalist, has been a panelist on Gasimbagane for now more than 20 years. As they discussed the sustainability of government programs aimed at poverty eradication while increasing wealth creation, Kakande addressed himself to the OWC-related operation aimed at curbing illegal fishing on Lake Victoria characterized by catching of immature fish. The soldiers have been very notorious ever cracking the whip on fishing communities around Lake Victoria. “The truth is that operation has achieved a lot. We have [as Vision Group] interacted with people and fishermen in the communities of Kalangala in Ssese and they are all very happy. They say a lot has changed but there is this betrayal by the same government… Yes it’s true the military has improved things but why do you destroy our lake because you have the military might? Why do you destroy our country because of military might? Why do you disrespect NEMA? Why do you disrespect the minister concerned [Sam Cheptoris]? These are the technical people and they have told you sand mining is wrong. Why do you go on to deliberately destroy our lake? Where is the sustainability in what you are doing eliminating the catching of immature fish when you are the same person promoting sand mining to destroy our lake? Where will the fish grow from once the lake is totally destroyed?” Kakande asked before breaking down on the microphone. Rwomushana weighed in immediately to save the day: “Sorry John. This is what I have been telling you. Many more are going to cry under this Al-Nakba and this is just the beginning.” This was in the last 30 minutes of the show and Kakande never spoke again to the end. Al-Nakba is the title Rwomushana cleverly uses to contemptuously refer to the top leaders of this country.
Kakande, whose views were endorsed by other panelists, likened the OWC aspects against illegal fishing to washing and soiling clothes at the same time. He said sand mining must be stopped because it’s as illegal as harvesting immature fish. “You even have guts to warn that whoever opposes the sand mining operation will be crushed militarily?” he cursingly wondered. Fellow panelist Haruna Kanabi said the threat to crush critics militarily was real and it’s the reason the fisheries line Minister Vincent Sempijja was conspicuously quiet and not saying anything to support NEMA or his counterpart Cheptoris in charge of Environment. “Sempijja is quiet because he knows the consequences of resisting sand mining,” said Haruna Kanabi, a veteran journalist just like Kakande. Famous for his conspiracy theories, Rwomushana supported Kakande and added that “I have been telling you people all this is Al-Nakba’s way to deliberately kill Lake Victoria and economically impoverish those depending on it for livelihood.” Rwomushana added: “Al-Nakba now wants to destroy the Lake the way he destroyed Cooperatives so that our people sink deeper into poverty.” Muwanga Kivumbi said he was happy that Kakande had “finally realized how Uganda is suffering from multiple organ failure” and politically now requires urgent surgical operation. The program is moderated by celebrated show host Peter Kibazo.